Medical College
Associate professor
Neuropsychiatry, Social Neuroscience, Positive Psychology
Peiyang Park Campus, No.135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Education Park
Dr. Liu is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Applied Psychology, Tianjin University. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Tsinghua University, and previously worked as a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Minnesota. His research interestes include (1) the relationship between self-compassion, self-processing, and adolescent depression/suicide and their underlying neural mechanisms, as well as the possibility of treating adolescent depression/suicide with self-compassion-based real-time fMRI neurofeedback, and (2) the cognitive and neural mechanisms of gratitude, and its roles in mental health. Behavioral and neuroimaging research methods are applied in his studies. He has hosted projects funded by China Positive Psychology Research Foundation and Tianjin University, and participated in projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published over 20 papers in journals of psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience.
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- Papers
- [1] Liu, G., Hao, G., Das, N., Ranatunga, J., Schneider, C., Yang, L., & Quevedo, K. (2024) Self-compassion, self-referential caudate circuitry, and adolescent suicide ideation. Translational Psychiatry, 14, 334.
- [2] Liu, G., Zhang, N., Teoh, J. Y., Egan, C., Zeffiro, T. A., Davidson, R. J., & Quevedo, K. (2022). Self-compassion and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity during sad self-face recognition in depressed adolescents. Psychological Medicine, 52(5), 864-873.
- [3] Liu, G., Santana-Gonzalez, C., Zeffiro, T. A., Zhang, N., Engstrom M. & Quevedo, K. (2023). Self-compassion and neural activity during self-appraisals in depressed adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 339, 717-724.
- [4] Quevedo, K., Liu, G., Teoh, J. Y., Zeffiro, T. A., Ghosh, S., Ahrweiler, N., Zhang, N., Wedan, R., Oh, S., & Paret, C. (2019). Neurofeedback and neuroplasticity of visual self-processing in depressed and healthy adolescents: a preliminary study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 40, 100707.
- [5] Liu, G., Zeng, G., Wang, F., Rotshtein, P., Peng, K., & Sui, J. (2018). Praising others differently: neuroanatomical correlates to individual differences in trait gratitude and elevation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(12), 1225-1234.
- [6] Engstrom, M., Liu, G., Santana-Gonzalez, C., Teoh, J. Y., Harms, M., Koy, K., & Quevedo, K. (2021). The impact of child abuse on the neurobiology of self-processing in depressed adolescents. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100310.
- [7] Guan, F.#, Liu, G.#, Pedersen, W. S., Chen, O., Zhao, S., Sui, J. & Peng K. (2021). Neurostructural correlates of dispositional self-compassion. Neuropsychologia, 160, 107978.
- [8] Liu, G., Cui, Z., Yu, H., Rotshtein, P., Zhao, F., Wang, H., Peng, K. & Sui, J. (2020). Neural responses to intention and benefit appraisal are critical in distinguishing gratitude and joy. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-12.
- [9] Chan, J. S.#, Liu, G.#, Liang, D., Deng, K., Wu, J., & Yan, J. H. (2019). Special Issue–Therapeutic Benefits of Physical Activity for Mood: A Systematic Review on the Effects of Exercise Intensity, Duration, and Modality. Journal of Psychology, 153(1), 102-125.
- [10] Quevedo, K., Teoh, J. Y., Liu, G., Santana-Gonzalez, C., Forbes, E. E., & Engstrom, M. (2022). Neural substrates of rewarding and punishing self-representations in depressed suicide-attempting adolescents. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 204-213.
- [11] Liu, G., Chan, J. S., Chen, D. D., Peng, K., Qin, C., & Yan, J. H. (2014). Visuomotor control in continuous response time tasks across different age groups. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 119(1), 169-182.
- [12] Yan, W., Jiang, Z, Zhang, P., Liu, G. & Peng, K. (2023). Mindfulness practice versus physical exercise in enhancing vitality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2537.
- [13] Liu, S., Zheng, X. S., Liu, G., Jian, J., & Peng, K. (2013). Beautiful, usable, and popular: good experience of interactive products for Chinese users. Science China Information Sciences, 56(5), 1-14.
- [14] Ren, J., Guo, W., Yan, J. H., Liu, G., & Jia, F. (2016). Practice and nap schedules modulate children's motor learning. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(1), 107-119.
- [15] Ahrweiler, N., Santana-Gonzalez, C., Zhang, N., Quandt, G., Ashtiani, N., Liu, G., ... & Quevedo, K. (2022). Neural Activity Associated with Symptoms Change in Depressed Adolescents following Self-Processing Neurofeedback. Brain sciences, 12(9), 1128.
- [16] Liu, S., Jian, J., Zheng, X. S., Liu, Z., Liu, G., & Peng, K. (2012). Assessing user experience of interactive products: a Chinese questionnaire. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (pp. 104-109).
- [17] 平安俊, 刘冠民, 彭凯平. (2018). 音乐对希望感的影响. 心理学探新, 38(3), 254-259.
- [18] 刘冠民, 廖江群. (2017). 当心理技能遇到现代科技——心理训练的新挑战. 人民论坛·学术前沿, (7), 91-95.
- [19] 刘冠民, 彭凯平. (2019). 美好生活的社会情感神经科学探索. 清华社会科学:第一卷第一辑 (pp. 184-204). 商务印书馆.
- [20] 刘书青, 刘冠民, 郑先隽, 彭凯平. (2013). 从交互产品审美问卷分析中国用户的审美体验. 装饰, (2), 78-79.
- [21] 金子璐, 樊富珉, 徐卓, 陈涛, 刘冠民, 陈依苓. (2021). 高强度干预对创业者正念与心率和皮电的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 29(2), 401-405+413.
- [22] 刘书青, 彭凯平, 刘冠民, 方平, 林卓, 李迪斯. (2013). 辩证情绪: 研究方法及展望. 心理学探新, (1), 7-14.
- [23] 吴胜涛,胡传鹏,刘冠民. (2022). 从冲突到善治:社会转型时期的秩序反思与道德重建. 中国社会心理学评论:第23辑 (pp. 1-14). 社会科学文献出版社.
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