- 教师名称:刘海涛
- 教师拼音名称:Haitao Liu
- 出生日期:1981-07-01
- 性别:男
- 职务:无
- 学科:Mechanical Engineering
- 职称:教授
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Haitao Liu received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2004, 2007, and 2010, respectively. From 2013 to 2014, he stayed at the Chair of Mechanics and Robotics at University of Duisburg-Essen with a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation of Germany. Currently he is associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University. His research interests include robotics, kinematics and dynamics of parallel mechanisms, Lie group and Lie algebra, screw theory.
- 暂无内容
- [13] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, X. Zhao, J. Mei, D. G. Chetwynd, Optimal design of the TriVariant robot to achieve a nearly axial symmetry of kinematic performance, Mech. Mach. Theory, 42(12): 1643-1652, 2007..2019
- [12] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, J. Mei, X. Zhao, D. G. Chetwynd, M. Li, S. J. Hu, Kinematic design of a 5-DOF hybrid robot with large workspace/limb-stroke ratio, ASME J. Mech. Des., 129(5): 530-537, 2007. .2019
- [11] H. T. Liu, J. Mei, X. Zhao, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, Inverse dynamics and servomotor parameter estimation of a 2-DOF spherical parallel mechanism, Sci. China Ser. E-Tech. Sci., 51(3): 288-301, 2008. .2019
- [10] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, An approach for acceleration analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 3(1): 011013.1-011013.8, 2011. .2019
- [9] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, A general approach for geometric error modeling of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 3: 021013.1-021013.13, 2011. .2019
- [8] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, A method to formulate a dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian of parallel manipulators, IEEE Trans. Robot., 27(1): 150-156, 2011..2019
- [7] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, A. Kecskeméthy, D. G. Chetwynd, A generalized approach for computing the transmission index of parallel mechanisms, Mech. Mach. Theory, 74: 245-256, 2014. .2019
- [6] H. T. Liu, M. X. Wang, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, A. Kecskeméthy, A dual space approach for force/motion transmissibility analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 7(4): 034504.1-034504.7, 2015. .2019
- [5] W. J. Tian, F. W. Yin, H. T. Liu*, T. Huang, Kinematic calibration of a 3-DOF spindle head using a double ball bar, Mech. Mach. Theory, 102: 167-178, 2016. .2019
- [4] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, A. Kecskeméthy, D. G. Chetwynd, Force/motion transmissibility analyses of redundantly actuated and overconstrained parallel manipulators, Mech. Mach. Theory, 109: 126-138, 2017..2019
- [3] H. T. Liu, A. Kecskeméthy*, T. Huang, An automatic approach for identification of natural reciprocal screw systems of serial kinematic chains based on the invariance properties matrix, Mech. Mach. Theory, 107: 352-368, 2017..2019
- [2] X. W. Zhao, H. T. Liu*, H. F. Ding, Q. Lu, An Approach for Computing the Transmission Index of 3-DOF Planar Multi-loop Mechanism, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 2017, DOI:10.1115/ 1.4036718.2019
- [1] H. T. Liu, T. Huang*, D. G. Chetwynd, A. Kecskeméthy, Stiffness Modeling of Parallel Mechanisms at Limb and Joint/Link Levels, IEEE Trans. Robot., 2017, DOI: 10.1109/ TRO.2017.2654499. .2019
- 2007.4-2010.3 Tianjin University Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
- 2004.9-2007.3 Tianjin University Mechanical Engineering Master
- 2000.9-2004.7 Tianjin University Mechanical Engineering Bechalor
2017.1 -2019.12
|School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor
2014.9 -2016.12
|School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor
2012.11 -2014.6
|Duisburg-Essen University|Post Doctor