- 教师名称:杨志群
- 教师拼音名称:Yang Zhiqun
- 出生日期:1990-12-21
- 性别:男
- 职务:光电信息工程系副主任
- 学科:光通信
- 职称:副教授
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杨志群,副教授,博士生导师,天津大学光电信息工程系副主任。研究方向包括光通信、微波光子和光信息处理等。发表SCI期刊/国际会议论文共计49篇(其中高水平论文21篇),多篇收录于ECOC,OFC,CLEO等国际顶级会议论文集并作口头报告;申请发明专利19项(其中授权8项);作为项目负责人和主要完成人参与多项科研项目。他是天津市光学学会理事、中国光学工程学会会员、天津市青年科技工作者学会个人会员、美国光学学会(Optica)和国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会员,以及Journal of Lightwave Technology、Optics Express、IEEE Photonics Journal、Chinese Optics Letters、Applied Optics、IEEE Electronics Letters等国际知名光学期刊审稿人。
- T. Xu, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Q. Guo, R. Zhou, X. Xiao, W. Li, W. Li, C. Du, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, “Modal gain equalization of few-mode Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers enabled by mirrored mode exchanges,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, (IEEE&OSA, March 5-9, 2023, Santiago, CA, USA), paper M1B.4.
- H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. He, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Q. Guo, R. Zhou, X. Xiao, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, “New mode-group-permutation strategies for MDL reduction in long-haul MDM systems,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, (IEEE&OSA, March 5-9, 2023, Santiago, CA, USA), paper W3E.7.
- Y. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, “Fan-in/Fan-out for heterogeneous 19-core fibers based on metasurfaces with nonuniform phase plates,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, (IEEE&OSA, March 5-9, 2023, Santiago, CA, USA), paper M3C.7.
- R, Xing, X. Ji, Y. Liu, Z. Yang, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, “Nonlinear impairment scaling in few-mode fiber transmission systems with mode permutation technique,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, (IEEE&OSA, March 5-9, 2023, Santiago, CA, USA), paper W2B.5.
- X. Wang, H. Sun, H. Wang, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, "Heterogeneously integrated multicore fibers for smart oilfield applications," Applied Sciences, vol.13, no.3, article no. 1579, Feb. 2023.
- Y. Wang, L. Yang, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Huang, and L. Zhang, "High-Performance Microwave Photonic Transmission Enabled by an Adapter for Fundamental Mode in MMFs," Applied Sciences, vol.13, no.3, article no.1794, Feb. 2023.
- X. Ji, Y. Liu, H. Sun, W. Yu, Z. Yang, and L. Zhang, "Nonlinear impairment scaling in coupled-core multi-core fibers for space-division multiplexing," Optics Communications, vol. 532, article no.129250, Jan. 2023.
- T. Xu, T. Gao, Y. Wang, W. Li, W. Li, C. Du, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, and L. Zhang, "High-gain integrated in-line few-mode amplifier enabling 3840-km long-haul transmission," Photonics Research, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 2794-2801, Dec. 2022.
- Y. Liu, Z. Yang, X. Wang, Y Jung, and L. Zhang, "Gain Equalization for Few-Mode Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers via Strong Mode Coupling," Applied Sciences, vol.12, no.2, article no. 767, Jan. 2022.
- Y. Wang, T. Gao, Y. Liu, T. Xu, W. Yu, Z. Yang, Q. Guo, R. Zhou, S. Cao, X. Xiao, and L. Zhang, “Novel Mirror-flipped Mode Permutation Technique for Long-haul Mode-division Multiplexing Transmissions,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)2022, (IEEE&OSA, March 6-10, 2022, San Diego, CA, USA), paper M4B.5.
- L. Yang, Z. Yang, T. Xu, L. Hou, R. Zhou, L. Gan, S. Cao, X. Xiao, and L Zhang, “Low-loss Mode Field Adapter Using Reverse Tapering for Fundamental Mode Transmission over MMFs,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)2022, (IEEE&OSA, March 6-10, 2022, San Diego, CA, USA), paper M4E.7.
- L. Hou, Z. Yang, L. Yang, Y. Liu, and L. Zhang, "Efficient and compact photonic lanterns through cascaded tapering," Next-Generation Optical Communication (SPIE)2022: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems XI, (January 22-27, 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA), vol. 1, article no. 1202804.
- X. Wang, Z. Yang, H. Sun, L. Yang, H. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Yu, C. Peng, and L. Zhang, “Heterogeneously Integrated Multicore Fibers for Smart Oilfield Applications,” International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT2022): Optical Systems, Optoelectronic Instruments, Novel Display, and Imaging Technology, (April 8-10, 2022, Virtual, Online, China), vol. 1, article no. 122770U.
- Z. Yang, W. Yu, G. Peng, Y. Liu, and L. Zhang, “Recent Progress on Novel DSP Techniques for Mode Division Multiplexing Systems: A Review,” Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, article no. 1363, Feb. 2021.
- Y. Tang, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, and L. Zhang, “Integrated device for cyclic mode permutation based on multi-plane light conversion,” in the 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC)2021, (July 3-7, 2021, Hong Kong), paper W4F.4.
- H. Sun, Z. Yang, X. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Yu, C. Peng, and L. Zhang, “Low-DMD Ladder Fiber with Dual-Step Trench-Assisted Structure,” in the 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC)2021, (July 3-7, 2021, Hong Kong), paper M4C.7.
- Y. Liu, Y. Jung, Z. Yang, L. Zhang, and D. J. Richardson, "Wideband and low-loss mode scrambler for few-mode fibers based on distributed multiple point-loads," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, article no. 7100907, June 2021.
- Z. Di, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, G. Peng, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Measurement of principal modes in few-mode fibers by S2 method," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, article no. 7101308, Apr. 2020.
- L. Hou, Z. Yang, and L. Zhang, “Central core-assisted photon lantern with lower crosstalk and shorter length,” Optical Design and Testing X (SPIE/COS Photonics Asia)2020, (October 11-16, 2020, Virtual, Online, China), article no. 115480z.
- W. Yu, Z. Yang, X. Wang, L. Zhang, and G. Li, “Frequency-Domain VFF-RLS Equalization for the Time-Varying Mode-Division Multiplexed Channels,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)2020, (May 10-15, 2020, Washington, DC, USA), paper JTu2E.7.
- X. Wang, Z. Yang, W. Yu, Y. Liu, Z. Di, G. Li, and L. Zhang, “DMD Reduction by Strong Mode Coupling in Few-mode Fibers Using Multi-laser Inscribed LPFGs,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)2020, (May 10-15, 2020, Washington, DC, USA), paper STh1L.2.
- Y. Liu, X. Wang, Z. Yang, L Zhang, and G. Li, “Strongly Coupled Few-mode Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers with Ultralow Differential Modal Gain,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2020), (March 8-12, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA), paper W4B.7.
- J. Zhao, H. Zhang, Z. Yang, J. Xu, T. Xu, and C. Wang, “Few-Mode Fibers With Uniform Differential Mode Group Delay for Microwave Photonic Signal Processing,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 135176-135183, Aug. 2020.
- J. Zhao, J. Xu, C. Wang, Y. Liu, and Z. Yang, “Experimental demonstration of multi-parameter sensing based on polarized interference of polarization-maintaining few-mode fibers,” Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 14, pp. 20372-20378, (2020).
- C. Wang, C. Pan, J. Xu, Z. Yang, J. Zhao, and Z. Huang, “Analysis of misalignment, twist, and bend in few-mode fibers using spatially and spectrally resolved imaging,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 56, 102205, Jul. 2020.
- Y. Liu, Z. Yang, J. Zhao, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Quasi-single-mode transmission with reduced multipath interference by distributed Raman amplification," European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2019, (IEE, September 22-26, 2019, Dublin, Ireland), paper 1-3.
- G. Peng, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Di, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "All-optical DFT based on few-mode fibers," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2019, (IEEE/OSA/SPIE, Nov. 2-5, Chengdu, China, 2019), paper M3G.5.
- Z. Di, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, G. Peng, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Detection of principal modes in few-mode fibers by S2 method," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2019, (IEEE/OSA/SPIE, Nov. 2-5, Chengdu, China, 2019), paper M4A.188.
- Y. Liu, Z. Han, J. Zhao, Z. Yang, L. Yu, and W. Wang, “Simultaneous Beat-Length Measurement of a Polarization-Maintaining Few-Mode Fiber,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no.5, pp.1-6, article no. 7102806, Oct. 2019.
- H. Zhang, J. Zhao, Z. Yang, G. Peng, Z. Di, “Low-DMGD, Large-Effective-Area and Low-Bending-Loss 12-LP-Mode Fiber for Mode-Division-Multiplexing,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-8, article no. 7203808, Aug. 2019.
- Y. Wang, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, Z. Zhang, B. Huang, and G. Li, “Few-mode SDM receivers exploiting parallelism of free space,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.11, no. 1, article no. 7201411, Feb. 2019.
- Z. Yang, J. Zhao, N. Bai, I. Ezra, T. Wang, Z. Li, and G. Li, “Experimental demonstration of adaptive VFF-RLS-FDE for long-distance mode-division multiplexed transmission,” Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 18362-18367, Jul. 2018.
- Y. Liu, Z. Yang, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, Z. Li, and G. Li, "Intrinsic loss of few-mode fibers," Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 2107-2116, Jan. 2018.
- W. Wang, J. Zhao, H. Yu, Z. Yang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. Guo, and G. Li, “Demonstration of 6×10 Gb/s MIMO-Free Polarization and Mode Multiplexed Transmission,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 15, pp. 1372-1375, Jan. 2018.
- W. Wang, J. Zhao, H. Yu, L. Zhang, Z. Yang, Y. Zhang, and G. Li, “MIMO-free space-division-multiplexing for data center applications,” Next-Generation Optical Communication (Photonics West)2018, (January 29-31, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA), pp. 10561, article no. 105610I.
- Z. Han, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, and G. Li, “Error analyses for simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain based on polarization-maintaining few-mode fibers,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)2018, (IEEE/OSA/SPIE, Oct. 26-29, Hangzhou, China, 2018), pp. 1-3.
- Z. Yang, R. Mi, N. Zhao, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Simultaneous measurement of chromatic and modal dispersion in FMFs using microwave photonic techniques," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 5501409, June 2017.
- W. Wang, J. Zhao, Z. Yang, C. Li, Z. Wang, L. Yu, and R. Mi, “Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Rayleigh Scattering in Few-Mode Fiber Raman Amplifiers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 14, pp. 1159-1162, Oct. 2017.
- C. Li, J. Zhao, W. Wang, Z. Yang, Z. Wang, and R. Mi, “4×100 Gbit/s Long-Distance Quasi-Single-Mode Bi-Directional Transmission with Few-Mode Fiber,” Chinese Journal of Lasers, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 279-284, Feb. 2017.
- W. Wang, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, Q. Mo, Z. Yang, C. Li, Z. Zhang, C. Guo, and G. Li, "4×10 Gb/s polarization- and mode group-multiplexing for data center applications," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2017, (IEEE&OSA, May 14-19, 2017, San Jose, CA, USA), paper SW1I.5.
- C. Li, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, Q. Mo, Z. Yang, W. Wang, and G. Li, "Long-haul transmission of 4x100 Gb/s DP-QPSK signals over 2800 km with span lengths greater than 250 km," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2017, (IEEE&OSA, May 14-19, 2017, San Jose, CA, USA), paper STu3M.4.
- R. Mi, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Simultaneous measurement of chromatic and modal dispersion in FMFs using microwave photonic techniques," Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2017, (IEEE&OSA, March 19-23, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA), paper Th2A.48.
- Z. Wang, H. Wu, X. Hu, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, F. Tan, J. Zhao, Q. Mo, and G. Li, “Rayleigh backscattering in few-mode optical fibers,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)2017, (IEEE&OSA, March 19-23, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA), paper W4F. 6.
- R. Mi, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, L. Zhang, and G. Li, "Integrated chromatic and modal dispersion measurement using microwave photonic techniques," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2016, (IEEE/OSA/SPIE, Nov. 2-5, Wuhan, China, 2016), paper AS3G.2.
- G. Li, H. Liu, Z. Yang, H. Wen, J. Zhao, N. Zhao, J. Li, J. Gong, and F. Effenberger, “Space-division Multiplexing for PON Applications,” Signal Processing in Photonic Communications (SPPcom)2016, paper SpTu3F. 1.
- C. Xia, C. Naresh, V. A. M, Z. Yang, X. Liu, A. J. Enrique, H. Wen, B. Zhu, N. Zhao, E. Frank, A. Rodrigo, and G. Li, “Time-division-multiplexed few-mode passive optical network.,” Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1151-1158, Jul 2015.
- Z. Yang, J. Zhao, N. Bai, I. Ezra, T. Wang, and G. Li, “Experimental Demonstration of Adaptive Recursive Least Square Frequency-Domain Equalization for Long-Distance Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission,” Optical Communication (ECOC)2015, (September 27-October 1, 2015, Valencia, Spain), article no. 7341862, paper 1-3.
- Z. Yang, J. Zhao, N. Bai, and G. Li, “A Feasible Adaptive Recursive Least Square Frequency-Domain Algorithm for Equalization of Mode-Division Multiplexed Fiber Transmission,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. (ACP)2015, paper ASu5D. 3.
- 2013.9-2019.7 天津大学 光学工程 博士
- 2009.9-2013.7 大连理工大学 光信息科学与技术 学士
2019.7 -2022.3
2022.4 -2023.4