- 教师拼音名称:LIU Guanmin
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 6abde08f81ef7437de831b578cd57a9f4715827d04bdba3ebacaa82848d136095032da23af3ece5e5af40425a8e18f9e8bec56afbf1eb2619c2cc2a1b1dec0253173e2031eb590dafcb1a98b7a3b47482d867ab459d1e2f7178bd9487087dce9c2d7ad8f8b94733f53b09acee19f6cd523b0862007f5973bcd502843c83cbe17
- 5e58fdc092f0f9f511756bd4309d9af161d7894b7f98b0344801285fb676e8c864ceca63d4a712407edaa4d0bbd03dd3eb9a91ae31b1e9781897bee1939921968c3c26edcf91b025ffabab5f9664eaa8473f712511820b48015669a3e67d821f9c6078c6e76b1cced1121f4fc4a9990c88026321cf9fd00b0aaff6b8ea3b9882
- 9b13d8872c9645a912a397d592d782eb086eb0f43ee056ccc60dc1ceb12a49be9743666d3d914057cddd2b6569911e05527f8ec9ada0678924b7b0cd1d2805f80db3ea0f81ba7def2eb4748b378d1b87ff363c40285384f49cf6f58b24514af21c4a784d931a86876c0f47de7b519496017bc9e10c5a6cb61ee04db47535300a
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· Liu, S., Jian, J., Zheng, X. S., Liu, Z., Liu, G., & Peng, K. (2012). Assessing user experience of interactive products: a Chinese questionnaire. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (pp. 104-109).
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· 刘冠民, 廖江群. (2017). 当心理技能遇到现代科技——心理训练的新挑战. 人民论坛·学术前沿, (7), 91-95.
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