- 教师名称:刘鑫桥
- 教师拼音名称:Xinqiao Liu
- 性别:男
- 职务:-
- 学科:教育学
- 职称:副教授
Liu, X.; Wang, X; Gao, W.*. The effect of key universities on the regional development: empirical evidence from two natural experiments in China. Applied Economics Letters, 2024. SSCI Q3.
Liu, X*., Zhang, Y., Cao, X. Achievement Goal Orientations in College Students: Longitudinal Trajectories, Related Factors, and Effects on Academic Performance. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 2023. SSCI Q2.
Liu, X*.; Zhang, Y.; Gao, W.; Cao, X. Developmental Trajectories of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among College Students: A Piecewise Growth Mixture Model Analysis. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023, 10. SSCI Q1.
Liu, X*., Zhang, Y., Cao, X., Gao, W. . Does anxiety consistently affect the achievement goals of college students? A four-wave longitudinal investigation from China. Current Psychology. 2023. SSCI Q2.
Liu, X.*; Ji, X.; Zhang, Y. More romantic or more realistic: Trajectories and influencing factors of romantic love among Chinese college students from entering college to graduation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2024. SSCI Q1.
Liu, X*.; Li, Y.; Cao, X*. Bidirectional reduction effects of perceived stress and general self-efficacy among college students: A cross-lagged study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2024. SSCI Q1.
Liu, X.*; Cao,X; Gao, W.. Does low self-esteem predict anxiety among Chinese college students? Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2022, 15:1481-1487. ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). SSCI Q1.
Gao, W.; Luo, Y.; Cao, X.; Liu, X.*. Gender differences in the relationship between self-esteem and depression among college students: A cross-lagged study from China. Journal of Research in Personality 2022, 97, 104202. ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). SSCI Q2.
Gao, W., Ji, J., Zhang, W., Liu, X.*. Depression and approach‐avoidance achievement goals of Chinese undergraduate students: A four‐wave longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2023. SSCI Q1.
Cao, X.; Liu, X.*. Self-esteem as a predictor of anxiety and academic self-efficacy among Chinese university students: A cross-lagged analysis. Current Psychology. 2024. SSCI Q2.
Liu, X.*; Guo, Y; Zhang, W.; Gao, W.. Influencing factors, prediction and prevention of depression in college students: A literature review. World Journal of Psychiatry 2022, 12(7): 860-873.ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%). SCI Q1. [Invited article]
Gao, W.; Ping, S.; Liu, X.*. Gender differences in depression, anxiety, and stress among college students: A longitudinal study from China. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020, 263, 292-300. ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%) and Hot Paper (Top 0.1%). SSCI Q1.
刘鑫桥.高等教育与区域经济的互利共生——来自“京校外迁”的自然实验证据[J].清华大学教育研究,2022,43(05):103-113. CSSCI.
刘鑫桥.分数线效应是否存在——基于高考分数与高校毕业生薪酬的断点回归设计[J].教育发展研究,2019,39(05):46-53. CSSCI.
刘鑫桥,魏易*.教师课堂教学行为对学生成绩的影响[J].现代基础教育研究,2022,46(02):74-81. CSSCI.