He Xuehao

School of Science

Professional Title



polymer chemistry and physics; multiscale molecular simulation

Contact Information


Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tianjin University, Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, Tianjin City, P. R. China


Brief Introduction

Xuehao He (born in 1973) studied at Dalian Technology University from 1991-1995. After that, he worked as a teacher at Liaoyang Petrochemical College. From 1998, he went to study at University of Science and Technology of China under the supervision of Professor Haojun Liang and Professor Caiyuan Pan, and obtained his Ph. D in 2003. Then, He went to Germany and carried out the research with Dr. Nagel Jürgen and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Gert at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden. In 2005, he continued the postdoc research under the support of Humboldt Research Fellowship in the group of Professor Friederike Schmid in Bielefeld University. In 2007, he was appointed as a professor in Tianjin University and continued his research till now. His research focused on the multiscale molecular simulation about macromolecular self-assembly, hyperbranched polymerization kinetics, block copolymer micellization, nonspherical particle assembly and so on.

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| University of Science and Technology of China| polymer physics and chemistry| 2003
  • Master’s Degree| University of Science and Technology of China| polymer physics and chemistry| 2000
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Dalian Technology University| polymer chemistry| 1995
Research Interests
  • molecular simulation and theory
  • micellization and block copolymer assembly
  • kinetics of hyperbranched polymerization
  • self-assembly of nonspherical particles
Professional Membership
    No content
Positions & Employments
  • 2010.11-2017.10

    School of Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2007.3-2010.11

    School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Tianjin Unviersity 
  • 2005.1-2007.3

     Bielefeld University 
  • 2004.1-2004.12

     Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden 
  • 1995.7-1998.7

    Polymer department | Liaoyang Petrochemical College 
Academic Achievements