Song Le
School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering
Professional Title
Associate professor
Administrative Appointments
Contact Information
School of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, China
Education Background
- Bachelor’s Degree| Tianjin University| Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation| 2003
- Master’s Degree| Nankai University| Software Engineering| 2005
- Doctoral degree| Tianjin University| Measurement Technology and Instruments| 2008
Research Interests
- Multimodal sensing based on optoelectronic methods
- Mechanical sensing method and system based on fiber optics
- Wearable bioelectrophysiological monitoring device
Professional Membership
- 国家标准物质技术评审专家
- 全国高校互换性与测量技术基础研究会理事
- 中国仪器仪表学会力触觉感知与交互专委会委员
- 中国机械工程学会生产工程分会精密工程与微纳技术专委会委员
- 中国机械工程学会生产工程分会测试技术专委会委员
- 天津市力学计量技术委员会副主任委员
- 国际仿生工程学会会员
Positions & Employments
School of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering | Tianjin University  -
School of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering | Tianjin University  -
精密仪器与光电子工程学院 | 天津大学 | 院长助理 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Xu Wang, Yong Yang, Shibang Li, Xinchang Wang, Peng Zhang, Siying Lu, Dexin Yu, Yelong Zheng, Le Song* and Fengzhou Fang. A reflective multimode fiber vector bending sensor based on specklegram. Optics & Laser Technology, 2024, 170: 110235
- [2] Xinchang Wang, Le Song*, Xu Wang, Siying Lu, Yelong Zheng and Fengzhou Fang. All-optical high-resolution on-chip pressure sensing method based on tunable liquid-core liquid-cladding waveguide. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(2): 1287-1295
- [3] Yutao Xie, Jun Wang, Cheng Chen, Taixin Yin, Shiyu Yang, Zhiyuan Li, Ye Zhang, Juyang Ke, Le Song*, Lin Gan*. Sound identification of abnormal pig vocalizations-Enhancing livestock welfare monitoring on smart farms, Information Processing and Management, 2024, 61: 103770
- [4] Xu Wang, Le Song*, Xinchang Wang, Siying Lu, Jingjing Li, Peng Zhang and Fengzhou Fang. An ultra-sensitive fiber-end tactile sensor with large sensing angle based on specklegram analysis. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(24): 30394-30402
- [5] Siying Lu, Huan Zhu, Le Song*, Yelong Zheng and Fengzhou Fang. A vision-based contact adhesion measurement method on soft matter surfaces. Langmuir, 2023, 39(30): 10432-10444 (Supplementary Cover)
- [6] Yong Yang, Meirong Zhao, Yifan Jia, Lingjun Zhao, Dongji Piao, Yelong Zheng and Le Song*. A tactile sensor with slippage prediction by unequal height dome array, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(16): 17958-17967
- [7] Le Song, Huan Zhu, Yelong Zheng*, Meirong Zhao, Clarence Augustine TH Tee and Fengzhou Fang. Bionic compound eye-inspired high spatial and sensitive tactile sensor. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2021, 70(3): 7501708
- [8] Kuo Pang, Le Song*, Xiangzheng Li, Clarence Augustine TH Tee, Haoyang Zhang, Fengzhou Fang. Large-depth-of-field imaging system using a square aperture overlapped micro-lens array. Optical Engineering, 2021, 60(6): 063101
- [9] Yelong Zheng, Hanli Zhang, Meirong Zhao, Xin He, Clarence Augustine TH Tee and Le Song*. A multi-position method of viscous measurement for small-volume samples with high viscous. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2020, 69(7): 4995-5001
- [10] Le Song, Yujin Wang, Yifan Jia, Clarence Augustine TH Tee, Hu Gong and Yelong Zheng*. A novel dynamic calibration method using polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric film for ultrasonic vibration sensing application, Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31 (3): 035107
- [11] Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Jingxiong Huang, Haoyang Zhang and Fengzhou Fang. Detection of three dimensional trajectory of object based on curved bionic compound eye, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(17), 4143-4146
- [12] Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Jile Jiang and Le Song*. Dynamic force transducer calibration based on electrostatic force, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 48998-49003
- [13] Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Peiyuan Sun and Le Song*. Optimization of electrostatic force system based on newton interpolation method, Journal of Sensors, 2018: 7801597
- [14] Kuo Pang, Fengzhou Fang, Le Song*, Yue Zhang and Haoyang Zhang. Bionic compound eye for 3D motion detection using an optical freeform surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 2017, 34(5): B28-35
- [15] Peiyuan Sun, Meirong Zhao, Jile Jiang, Yelong Zheng, Yaqian Han and Le Song*. The differential method for force measurement based on electrostatic force. Journal of Sensors, 2017, 2017: 1-7
- [16] Le Song, Yelong Zheng*, Gang Hu, Jinyu Ma, Teresa Werner, Meirong Zhao and Fengzhou Fang. Highly sensitive, precise, and traceable measurement of force. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2016, 44(4): 386-400
- [17] Hu Gong, Yi Wang, Le Song* and Fengzhou Fang. Spiral tool path generation for diamond turning optical freeform surfaces of quasi-revolution. Computer-Aided Design, 2015, 59: 15-22
- [18] Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Gang Hu, Xue Cai, Hongguang Liu, Jinyu Ma, Meirong Zhao and Fengzhou Fang. The multi-position calibration of the stiffness for atomic-force microscope cantilevers based on vibration. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26 (5): 055001-7
- [19] Yelong Zheng, Le Song*, Gang Hu, Meirong Zhao, Yanling Tian, Zihui Zhang and Fengzhou Fang. Improving environmental noise suppression for micronewton force sensing based on electrostatic by injecting air damping. Review of scientific instruments, 2014, 85(5): 055002-1-7
- [20] Le Song, Fengzhou Fang and Jibo Zhao. Study on viscosity measurement using fiber bragg grating micro-vibration. Measurement Science and Technology, 2013, 24 (1): 015301
- [21] Le Song, Zihui Zhang and Haoyang Zhang. A Biologically-inspired Embedded Monitoring Network System for Moving Target Detection in Panoramic View, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013:175
- [22] Kuo Pang, Le Song, Fengzhou Fang*, Yue Zhang, Haoyang Zhang. An imaging system with a large depth of field based on an overlapped micro-lens array. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 65(1): 471-474
- [23] Sun Peiyuan, Cai Xue, Song Le*, Zheng Yelong and Zhao Meirong. Vision measurement method to promote calibration precision of capacitance gradient in micro-force measurement system. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2016, 12(1), 71-81
- [24] Le Song, Zi-hui Zhang. Calibration method for stereovision measurement of high-temperature components using two infrared cameras. International Journal of Automation Technology, 2013, 7(2): 163-170
- [25] 宋乐, 王玉瑾, 郑叶龙. 光压的测量方法现状及发展趋势, 计量学报, 2019, 40(1): 117-123
- [26] 庞阔, 宋乐*, 房丰洲. 应用光学自由曲面的曲面结构大视场仿生复眼系统, 光电子·激光, 2018, 29(1): 8-13
- [27] 宋乐, 郑叶龙, 赵美蓉, 林玉池. 小型化活塞式黏度在线检测方法, 天津大学学报, 2012, 45(9): 820-823
- [28] Le Song, Yuchi Lin, Weichang Feng and Meirong Zhao. A novel automatic weighted image fusion algorithm, International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications 2009(1): 57-61
- [29] Le Song, Yuchi Lin, Yanhua Chen and Meirong Zhao. An FPGA-based heterogeneous image fusion system design method, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2011 (8193), 81931l-1-7
- [30] Song Le, Lin Yuchi, Zhao Meirong and Wu Ying. Research on CCD visual sensor-based embedded level measuring system for oil tankers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009 (7384), 73840W-1-7
- [31] 宋乐, 林玉池, 何冬等. 空心圆柱端面缺陷的快速视觉检测. 中国图象图形学报, 2009, 14(10): 2137-2140
- [32] 宋乐, 林玉池, 刘启海等, 一种新型异源图像融合质量评价模型, 激光与红外, 2010, 40(1): 99-102
- [33] Song Le, Lin Yuchi, Hao Liguo. Automatic recognition method for ocular optical instruments using machine vision technology. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2008, 14 (3): 202-207
- [34] 宋乐, 林玉池, 周欣. 基于DM642的红外图像处理系统的优化策略, 中国图象图形学报, 2007, 12(10):1901-1904
- [35] 宋乐, 林玉池, 周欣. 基于TMS320DM642的小型化红外视频处理系统的研制. 传感器与微系统, 2008, 27 (3): 77-80
- [36] Yelong Zheng, Jinyu Ma, Xue Cai, Guoqiang Zhang, Meirong Zhao, Le Song, A structure to reduce the mechanism stiffness for force measurement and reproduction, 2014 International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO). 会议论文
- [37] Le Song. Study of the imaging quality of curved bionic compound eye. NanoMan2012会议论文
- [38] 宋乐, 宫虎. STEAM理念下的仪器专业机械设计实践教学新模式, 实验技术与管理, 2019, 36(12): 226-228
- [39] 宋乐, 付鲁华, 王仲, 裘祖荣. 面向精密机械课程设计的行动导向教学. 实验科学与技术, 2013, 11(2): 114-116
- Books
- No content
- Patents
- [1] 宋乐, 于德鑫, 王茹, 路斯莹, 于庭治, 李晶晶, 哈天立, 石权, 郑叶龙, 房丰洲. 一种介入式触觉传感器与应用方法(ZL202410179278.3)
- [2] 宋乐, 朱欢, 岳钧百, 董文博, 张佳乐, 冯渝, 程路雅, 孔欣玥, 房丰洲. 一种基于仿生复眼的大角度高分辨力触觉传感装置及方法(ZL202010822114.X)
- [3] 宋乐, 王旭, 赵美蓉, 郑叶龙, 栗大超, 蒲治华, 张磊. 一种无源式三维力传感测头及光学式力传感器(ZL202110822399.1)
- [4] 宋乐, 王旭, 李世邦, 王茹, 杨永, 郑叶龙, 房丰洲. 一种光纤末端力传感装置与三维力解算方法(ZL202311120759.9)
- [5] 宋乐, 覃缘, 李晶晶, 王茹, 王旭, 李昊, 张川, 谢剑晨, 杨永, 郑叶龙, 房丰洲. 大角度柔性触觉传感装置及测量方法(ZL202311716141.9)
- [6] 宋乐, 贾逸凡, 朱欢, 侯宇鹏, 房丰洲. 一种光反射式高灵敏度滑触觉传感装置及方法(ZL202011134656.4)
- [7] 宋乐 , 闫一凡, 董凤禹, 王旭, 房丰洲. 一种基于偏振成像原理的水下触觉传感装置及方法(ZL202010565440.7)
- [8] 宋乐, 侯宇鹏. 一种基于激光散斑干涉原理的穿刺力测量装置及测量方法(ZL201910787195.1)
- [9] 宋乐, 路斯莹, 于德鑫, 刘益维, 陶乐颖, 陈佳一, 陈伟民, 杨永, 郑叶龙, 房丰洲. 粗糙度传感器及粗糙度等级评估与三维评价装置与方法(ZL202310780943.X)
- [10] 宋乐, 郑博轩, 袁宇焜, 顾春阳, 黄思雨, 朱欢. 一种可溯源的pN量级力值标定装置与方法(ZL201911006112.7)
- [11] 宋乐, 王玉瑾, 宫虎, 郑叶龙. 一种PVDF压电薄膜传感器动态力学特性标定方法(ZL201910319880.1)
- [12] 宋乐, 李美怡风, 宫虎, 郑叶龙. 一种面向超声振动辅助切削的原位切削力测量装置与方法(ZL201810008116.8)
- [13] 宋乐, 刘世忠, 张鸿, 杜祖宇, 刘皓月, 刘忻羽, 黄锦幡, 赵莹雪, 明东. 一种穿戴式脊柱侧弯呼吸监测及矫正装置与方法(ZL201911197541.7)
- [14] 宋乐, 李晶晶, 李国良, 贾逸凡, 李奇, 褚晓蕾, 王巍, 符榕. 一种智能止血带装置 (ZL202011134659.8)
- [15] 宋乐, 张禹娜, 邓剡梁, 杨舒涵. 一种扑翼飞行器(ZL201910775872.8)
- [16] 宋乐, 张越, 宋雨濛 , 谢琮玖, 房丰洲. 一种非球面玻璃透镜模压成形预补偿方法(ZL201911064623.4)
- [17] 宋乐, 靳展, 付鲁华, 赵美蓉, 林玉池. 基于静电力原理的垂直式超微力值测量装置及溯源方法(ZL201210000958.1)
- [18] 宋乐, 房丰洲, 余蓝涛, 曹梦超, 朱晗琦, 印和. 一种高速图像采集方法(ZL201210229855.2)
- [19] 宋乐, 赵美蓉, 林玉池, 黄银国, 齐永岳. 光纤Bragg光栅扭振式黏度在线测量装置及方法(ZL201110035186.0)
- [20] 宋乐, 印和, 张一帆, 周南, 张越. 小型化电磁感应式油液黏度测量装置及测量方法(ZL201110030585.8)
- [21] 宋乐, 林玉池, 赵美蓉, 齐永岳, 黄银国. 基于模糊神经网络的融合图像质量综合评价方法(ZL200810054030.5)
- [22] 房丰洲, 张皓洋, 宋乐.一种血管内斑块清除装置(ZL201510934438.1)
- [23] 房丰洲, 张皓洋, 宋乐. 一种流体驱动的血管内斑块清除装置(ZL201610482786.4)
- [24] 张红霞, 范阳, 宋乐, 贾大功. 180°大视场自由曲面复眼系统(ZL201310569145.9)
- [25] 张红霞, 邹成刚, 宋乐, 张效栋, 房丰洲. 一种可增大视场角的内侧曲面复眼透镜(ZL201210081341.7)
- Teaching
- No content
- Honors & Awards
- [1] 天津大学第十五届“我心目中的好导师”
- [2] “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛优秀创新创业导师
- [3] 天津市第十五届高校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖
- [4] 第八届高等教育天津市级教学成果二等奖
- [5] 天津大学优秀青年教师(十佳)
- [6] 天津大学本科生毕业设计优秀指导教师
- [7] 天津大学校级教学成果一等奖
- [8] 天津市第十五届高校青年教师教学竞赛选拔赛特等奖
- [9] 天津市第十四届高校青年教师教学竞赛选拔赛特等奖
- [10] 天津大学第十届青年教师讲课大赛一等奖
- [11] “挑战杯”天津市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
- [12] 天津市技术发明一等奖
- [13] 中国仪器仪表学会科技进步一等奖
- [14] 中国计量测试学会科技进步三等奖
- [15] 第六届天津市环境保护科学技术三等奖